The Best Publications on Mountains - 9th International Competition
In the framework of 27th International Book Fair in Cracow® (Poland) in 2024 ‘THE BEST PUBLICATIONS ON MOUNTAINS’ 9th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION has been announced whose the organizers are The Trade Ltd. in Cracow, The Central Mountain Tourism (COTG) PTTK in Cracow and ‘Karpaty’ Publisher – Andrzej Łączyński in Cracow.
The publications submitted in any language about mountains from all continents and related to the mountains (geology, nature and its protection, history, monuments, ethnography and others), which appeared with the printed date of issue from 2020 (inclusive) may be submitted to the Competition. In case of multi-volume publications (encyclopedias and others), the whole titles are admitted to the Competition, the first volume of which could have been published before 2020 and the last volumes from 2020.
For this year's Competition you can submit albums, guides, popular science publications, monographs, magazines, literary prose and poetry about mountains, maps, atlases and encyclopedias, vocabularies of names, places, objects, nature and others topics related to the mountains.
Participation in the Competition is free of charge for the publisher and does not require payment of the registration fee. The details of the Competition can be found in the attached rules and application form. They are also available at and
40 publishers from eight countries (Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine) participated in the 8th Competition in 2023 and they submitted eighty-six publications . The publishing houses from the Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia have been among the laureates or awarded in the Competition.
We cordially invite you to participate in the Competition – the applications should be submitted to 20th September, 2024 (inclusive) .
The day of 20th September of the year in which the Competition is organized is the date in which the application forms and the copies of the submitted publications must be placed at the above-mentioned address:
Centralny Ośrodek Turystyki Górskiej PTTK, ul. Jagiellońska 6, 31-010 Kraków, Poland with a note ‘The Best Publications on Mountains Competition’ (Konkurs ‘Najlepsze wydawnictwa o górach’).